I pretend to have all the answers. (I don’t.)
I act like I’m working with all the information. (I’m not.)
I’m convinced I can predict the future. (I can’t.)
I think I should protect you from making mistakes. (I shouldn’t.)
This post is a friendly reminder to myself to be more humble. More self-aware. It’s a reminder to talk less, and to ask more questions. Listen. Really listen. And seek to understand, not to give an immediate conclusive response.
It’s a reminder that every situation is more complex and complicated than I think it is.
I should be able to respect other people’s choices, even if I don’t understand them.
And if things don’t work out? Well, truth is, we all need to make our own mistakes anyway.
Mistakes are a massive opportunity to learn, and extract value from our experiences.
I should respect other people’s right to fuck up and fail, and to build their own resilience. I should trust in their capacity to bounce back, and be there to support them on their way back up.
It’s what I’d want them to do for me.
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