I’ve always taken for granted that if I ever need an abortion, the option is there for me.
Having a child is the biggest decision I could ever make. It could be one of the best things that ever happens to me. But I also believe it could be one of the worst.
What if I get pregnant, but I’m not ready, I don’t have the means, or I just don’t want to? Maybe I have an abusive partner. Maybe the pregnancy threatens my mental or physical health—or even my life. There are countless valid reasons why I’d need to have an abortion.
I don’t think it’s ever an easy decision. No one’s thrilled at the prospect of ending a potential future life. Death is bleak. But so too can be life, if we don’t have the right to choose what’s right for us.
Yet so many people are anti-abortion. I’m not talking about those who are exploiting this debate for political gain, and using restrictions to oppress groups of people. Those people exist, and they are very dangerous.
But there are other people out there, with beliefs other than my own, who I believe mean well.
Many folks don’t distinguish between fetuses and babies, so they see abortions as the willful murder of babies.
I can empathize with the idea that people are trying to save the lives of powerless beings. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that.
If you’re against me having an abortion because you think I’m murdering a baby, I can’t convince you otherwise.
If I want to ensure access to abortion because I think it fundamentally protects my health, my livelihood, and my happiness, then you can’t convince me otherwise.
We’re both going to keep advocating for our beliefs in the community and in politics.
But what if we were also willing to work together on some issues where we might find common ground?
What if we could reduce the number of abortions performed by tackling the issues that lead to people having them in the first place?
We could work together to increase access to contraception. Improve sex ed. Teach consent. Provide better access to healthcare and economic support, so that people are actually able to care for themselves and their babies.
That’s a pro-life approach I can get behind.
process &

Posture on point 😅
The typeface used is my hand-rendered version of Albertus.